Two Long Years
It has been two years since I have written a blog here. In fact, it has been so long that I have forgotten how to work blogger! Since then I have helped my mother out of this world, am currently a caregiver, have discovered how precious time and life is. I am deeply entrenched into the artist life now. I used to think I did not have it in me, and doubted my ability and dedication. But I have come to realize that being an artist does not mean that I have to slave away in my studio at the mercy of my muses. I have put in the 10,000 hours and have found my voice in the art world. So that I don't get lazy, I keep myself on track by working with coaches, changing direction when I need to, mentoring art challenges, and showing up to the job every day. Lately I feel rumblings in the universe telling me that big changes are coming. I don't know what they are, but being a positive woman, I believe them to be good. And starting to blog again is the start of a new directio...