Getting READY!!!

I have been UBER busy working a few different jobs, and painting the work for my show which opens on Saturday the 5th. I have done the bio/artist statement, made the postcards, printed them, handed/posted/ them out, and today finished the last of the two large paintings. It is surreal that I have created an entire new life, a very different life from the one before. It is a lot of work, but it's joyful work!!! The last painting gave me a really hard time, and I am hoping that it will be dry enough to be able to hang. I put it outside in the sun today, hoping that it will be ready by Tuesday morning when Nancy and I hang it. It has been quite the interesting experience, as I had to paint 5 or 6 small paintings, and two LARGE ones for the show. I still have to wire them, and make the price list. When I had my two other shows a few years ago, I already had the work done and just had to frame some of the pieces and do the PR work. This time I had ...