Building a Foundation

This reinvention of self is taking a lot of work. AND TIME.

Have I already posted that?

I have been spending the week doing mock ups for my web designer, and getting ready to set up files in Drop Box. In order to do that, I have to clean up my Drop-box files -    delete some files to make more room, and then in order to find the files I need, I have to organize my desktop and hard drive into folders that make sense.  And once a day I have to take a break from the Drop Box ordeal to clean out the Cat Box.  I just wish I could clean the cat box with an "empty" button!

In between those hours of sorting/filing/organizing, I pay some online bills, research hotels, make online reservations, search for work/shows, and play the occasional Candy Crush game. (I am embarrassed to say I play it...but I blame it all on my daughter!) Before I know it --- it is time to check what is ready to pick in the garden, and make dinner.  And then Larry comes home, and asks me "what did you do today" and I give him a litany of what I have accomplished, as well as update him on my fight with the city to fix the end of my driveway.  

Included in the past week has been a visit to another one of my yearly doc appointments, where I  say a quick prayer and do some deep breathing before I enter the world of needles, stethoscopes, speculums, and forms to fill out and sign.  So far so good.

All is a day's work.

Soon. Soon I hope to be in the studio.  Some things need to be done first, and set up, so that when the art gets made, there is a venue to show and sell it.  Build it and they will buy is my motto and my focus. Patience dear Patti,  patience.

Back to my box...which I hope is not "dropping".

Patti O


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