Framing: Sources for Frames

When I was primarily showing fine art collages, and framing antique prints, I collected a wide variety of frames for my work- rarely were two frames were ever the same. But over the years, I have whittled down that collection, as I find myself  using either white (for abstract work) or black floater frames for my paintings. It is more professional to have a "even" look in framing one's work, especially if you are showing several works, or having a solo show.

On occasion you can find frames in places like Ikea, or the Christmas Tree Shop, or other such venues. If I find good ones, I will buy them up and keep them for future work. But most of the times I either buy them at Michael's, or American Frame.  On occasion if I am flush, or need a specialty frame, or it needs special care, I will gladly go to the local art supply or framing store. But I usually don't have the money to do I order and frame myself.

Michael's has their sales and 40% off coupons which I use to buy frames. They are made of a composite material- not wood, but frame up nicely. They come in a few square formats, which is important as I like to work square. (I think that is because my life is so unruly at times...and the square helps me feel stable....if you can understand that lol)  My favorite frames, which cost more but are still reasonable, are from American Frame. I have never had an issue with them, they pack fabulously well (and you have great boxes for shipping art) and send all the hardware to boot. You can also pre-cut mats, and a host of other framing supplies like spacers.  

The price comparison? At Michaels they charge about 32.99 for an 8 x 8, on sale now for 16.49. It includes glass and a mat. American Frame, NOT on sale, is about 17.50 and you still need to buy glass, and a mat....It does come out more costly, but the quality is so much better.  And it is cheaper than the Michaels frame not on sale. But the Michael's frame does work nicely and I have one in my city, so if needed, I can make a trip to the store. WORD OF CAUTION: Open up the protective cardboard in store and check out the frame for stains, chips, marks etc.

Please feel free to leave comments about your fave framing sources or to ask questions!

Part 2: Framing works on Paper


Joanna Hess said…
Michael's also takes AC Moore coupons - which you can download as an app or sign up on-line. Often they have 50-60% coupons which are honored. Just another way to save a few more bucks!
Patti Gibbons said…
Thank you for that fabulous information!

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