A New Focus.
In the past 10 years post tri-malleolar fracture of my ankle, I have descended into a gradual but steady decline of my body. I used to be a runner, skier, skater before the literal trip down the stairs bought me a dislocated fracture which changed my life, and left me with a body that was getting weaker with back spasms, hip bursitis, ankle pain and foot issues! I had a hard time doing some everyday things, and, I was gaining weight.
It was the gift of a Garmin Vivofit from my daughter that changed my life. After doing some research, I discovered that a fit person walks about 10,000 steps a day. I was appalled at the fact that I walked far less. So off I went to Montanos Shoe Store , and bought myself a pair of very comfortable and very purple Vionic sneakers.
I have a dear artist friend who has become my adventure walking partner. We try to walk, whether together or on our own, 5 times a week. We walk the rail trail for convenience at times, but we find a new paths and adventures at least once a week. I have always wanted to chronicle these adventures, and doing so was a perfect way to get this blog back to life.
So stay tuned for my "slogs" around the Hudson Valley, and other places of adventure. And what is a slog? - as paraphrased from the Miriam's online dictionary- it is to keep doing something, even though it is difficult or boring; to work at something in a steady, determined way.
These trips are taken by a 58 and 70 year old, and are perfect walks and hikes for family and elders. They offer inspiration and fabulous views for the artist, poet, photographer, and nature aficionado. And, since we LOVE to eat and shop, we will review places that we come across on our adventures, which offer healthy inexpensive food (after all, we are living on fixed incomes...and art is a fickle career) and interesting buys of things made local or in the USA!
(photo of the Hudson River from a sailboat adventure)