My Inspiration
After doing my spring wardrobe cleaning/organization, I realized that my one piece bathing suit was long over due for replacement. I didn't wear it very often, probably just for family affairs, as most of my swimming took place in the woods, at private pools and hidden lakes, and I would wear one of my many two piece suits which up until I hit 50, looked pretty good on me. Now in my 52nd summer, I am no longer looking so svelt. Legs that used to be muscular from running and skating are flabby and have cellulite, and my stomach looks like I am carrying a small sack of dimply lemons. The upper part isn't so bad, but that could use a bit of firming up too. (I KNEW there was a reason to be happy about belonging to the IBTC). I hate trying on bathing suits in a store, or anything else for that matter. (save for shoes..) The lighting is never right, and the mirrors usually suck. This was the first year that I thought--HEY, I can o...