Fabulous Local / USA based companies/gifts
In this holiday season, many of us are trying to keep our money local, or at least some part of gift giving must benefit a local store, artist, or company, and at the very least be made in the USA.
Here are a few gift items that I have either bought, or would love to own.
From Hudson Valley artist/author Paul Keskey, is a fabulous book for all ages titled Chrysalies. The book is reminiscent of some of my favorite fantasy illustrators: Brian Froud, Alan Lee, Edmund Dulac, Arthur Rackham. The nature slant to the book is educational as well as fascinating. I have a 7 year old niece and granddaughter who are very good readers; I suspect they will spend many hours pouring over the artwork as well as the text. 20.00 BARGAIN. (he takes paypal..and you can order the book under the book link and then "limited edition prints".) Previews of the art and the book are on the website.
Next is something for us ladies who need to be on our feet in comfort. I had major surgery from a tri-malleolar fracture six years ago. I still sport the metal plates and screws, and can no longer wear many shoes comfortably. But the closed back clog is perhaps the most comfortable shoe, along with my winter boots. I don't have a pair, but I com coveting this hand painted pair. I wear a size 38 .....(woman's size 7) if any of you win the lottery and want to buy me a gift......from Seattle based The Swanx.
Off to bed to nurse a cold with a hot ginger tea toddy by Larry. Ms. P.
I think I saw those clogs in pegasus in woodstock once. They definitely carry sarita brand. It may have been at Ameribag! kss