This child is lucky. She is alive. She survived her gestation, her birth, and has made it to almost two. However, her emotional scars may be many due to the condition of her mother. Alanna is my granddaughter, conceived on a battlefield in Iraq by my daughter, nearly miscarried and almost aborted due to Army "error" and "neglect". Her mother is emotionally scarred with PTSD and many other unexplainable physical problems that remain untreated. Perhaps they will both be lucky. Maybe my daughter will find treatment for her physical conditons that will work and allow her to live a long and productive life. Maybe she will seek treatment for the nightmares that plague her and the demons that chase this 22 year old girl who was "found" by a modeling agent but chose to serve her country. It was a choice that she, her daughter, my husband and I, and others in her life will pay dearly for the rest of their lives. For what? For lies, deception, for greed, for...