AM OFF TO THE CAPE FOR A FEW DAYS, HORRAY!!!! Since we had to cancel our vacation last year due to my broken ankle, we have not had more than one day away together in a few years. I will be searching for junk at the flea market in Wellfleet (I think) or combing the beach, or reading the rest of The Time Travelers Wife which has taken me forever to read, though it is a fabulous book. The Kite Runner is next and since I am a passenger in the car I will try and start my taxes. It is a long ride. I will be back in a few days as I don't think there is a computer there..though I might be wrong on that account.......
La Cucina
Tonight my house had the aroma of olive oil, garlic, tomatoes and candles. Keith Jarret was playing in the background, and I had just opened a nice bottle of reasonable red wine. (Osborne Solaz, 2004 Temranillo/Cab- 7.00) I needed it for the sauce, so why not have some while cooking! I took good care of myself all weekend, and felt like cooking for the first time in what seems forever. I am an excellent cook. A collage cook one might say, or better yet, a bricollage cook. I take what is in the house and make a dinner out of it. I think about flavor, texture, color and variety. Most of the time I would rather put this creative energy into visual arts, but on occasion I will push my fine art aside, and the art of the evening is cooking. Candles, music, wine, and a lovely table. I must think more like Monet, and not only make the meal art, but somehow make it my visual art too. The best I could do was a photo of the beginning of the sauce. It looks rather bizarre if you ask me,...