How to Live on a Permanent Vacation

This might be another one of the books I want to write. How to Live on a Permanent Vacation, Even if you Have to Work, OR How to Feel Like You're Always on Valium, but You're Not.

I talked this over with Annie/Loel today brainstorming ideas. Obviously one can't take off every weekend and go somewhere, especially if you are a middle class American. So you can start by bringing this into your home, making it a haven of peace and relaxation.

I have the luxury of my children being out of the house, so I took one room, kept it as sparse as possible, and use it for my meditation room, surrounded by peaceful objects. A candle, a Buddhist scroll about being in the moment. A picture of Obama and the Dalai Lama. A sculpture. Some art.

Cleaning my house is one thing I don't have time to do, and I HATE to do, so I am seriously thinking of giving up SOMETHING so that I can have my house cleaned every other week. Nothing like coming home to a clean space. Keep clutter to a minimum. It is more soothing, at least for me.

Cook like Julia at least once in a while whether you live alone-or not. Go out to dinner once a week. Dine by candlelight. Listen to Bach or whomever you love.

Make a space in your garden to sit and sip on a cocktail or ice tea. Close your eyes, open your ears. Be still.

Take time to read. Something. Anything. Make art, make music, make love.

Put money in a kitty so that you can take an overnight away somewhere. In between those times take day trips. Visit a museum, a historical site and learn more about your locale. Discover small boutiques/shops in your area. Take an art/writing/gardening class. Many are free/low cost. Have a coffee/drink in an outdoor cafe. Go to Barnes and Noble and sip on a Latte and read some books or magazines.

Make plans, have dreams. Go for a massage, or a hike. Wander a Historic site and pretend it is yours. Make a picnic dinner/lunch.

Watch the Travel Channel.

Put a blanket down where it is dark and watch for shooting stars.

DON'T BRING YOUR WORK HOME if you can help it, or give one another 5 minutes to discuss the day AND DROP IT.

Light candles, incense, a fire, or someones fire.

And, if you can afford it, take at least a week a year to go away somewhere -- away from the phone, from the housework, the garden, and enjoy each and every moment.

If my readers have any suggestions, please comment and I will post the comments.

Love yourself, treat yourself well in the confines of your budget. It doesn't take a lot of money to be on a permanent vacation as it is a state of mind and a way of living.....I'll let you know how I am doing once school starts.....

Patti O Chill

PS the yard at the rented Wellfleet House....


Judy Vars said…
great advise since i'm stressin, thanks
carla said…
Yes - wonderful ideas. I am so with you on not cleaning house and on having a sacred personal space... As a teacher I find it gets a bit dicey, though, when I'm in the clutches of the manic routine... so it is important to carve out those pockets of time and space that remove us from the fray. Thanks! carla
Unknown said…
one of the things i am working on - because i used to hate to clean but i love a clean house - is to learn how to enjoy the cleaning, because i cant have a sacred personal space and be surrounded by clutter and dust. i set a timer for what feels like a reasonable amount of time (usually 22 minutes)- put on my purple gloves and get to work. my goal isn't to make anything spotless - just to make it better. as i clean, i offer my actions, however humble, to the alleviation of suffering, however small, even if it's only my own. i keep a notebook and a pen handy because i find inspiration often strikes in the middle of scrubbing the floor. it isn't always easy to approach these most mundane details with any enthusiasm, but i am learning that the creation of personal sacred space - rather like being always on vacation - is an ongoing process.

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