A Beer, a Book, and a Bikini

I was restless today after coming back from three days of go-go-go in NYC.
After a doc appt in the AM, I took myself out for breakfast at my local bagel joint. Not Brooklyn Bagels, but the closest I will get to them here in Kingston.

Once home, I harvested beans, swiss chard, and tomatoes, cleaned up the house after being gone for a spot, organized the studio, and wondered what to do with myself till my 5pm Woodstock appointment.Everyone was working or busy, and I found myself alone without a plan for the afternoon.

Too nice to hang in the house, so I headed up with top down to Mermaid Lake with an Oktoberfest Beer, my book written by friend Heather Rolland (and takes place in the Hudson Valley..how fun!) sporting my bikini.

Cerulean sky, no one on the banks, with a picnic table to serve as my lounge chair. (forgot the folding chair...)

I spent the majority of two hours, undisturbed save for a few plops of jumping fish, and the slight buzz of bees, wasps, flies and flying grasshoppers. I sipped, I meditated, I read. I swam for a bit, though the water was chilly from the cool nights. A few of my friends showed up for a chat, but the majority of the day was spent in solitude and in communion with nature and myself. It was nice to disconnect for a bit...far from the noise and chat of the busy world.

After a home cooked and garden grown dinner, I sit back and bask in the afterglow of the warmth the day, and I feel blessed - grateful for all that I have.

Patti O Serenity


kip said…
sweet! k.

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