Arte y Pico: Blog Awards

After I came home from Nova Scotia, I found a lovely comment left on one of my blogs. I don't often get comments, it has to be a really funny/angry/heavy blog to usually get a response. People are busy, many don't have time to do more than a quick scan of what I am writing, and even fewer have the time to drop me a comment.

It isn't about responses, and it isn't about whether or not anyone reads my blog that I write (though if no one read it --- I would be sad ) but I do get a shit-eating grin when I get kind words from someone, or knowing that what I have written has inspired/touched some one's life.

Annie Kelleher is a writer and has a blog "writers and witches, and words...oh my!" who gave me a Arte y Pico award.

I am excerpting her explanation of the award: "This award, originally started by Esey, was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, be it writing or artwork in all medias. The Arte y Pico Award is meant to be paid forward to bloggers who are deserving of it."

I am to choose five blogs that I am going to forward the awards to. Now I don't read a lot of blogs on a regular basis as I have been so damn busy, but here are five that I have really enjoyed. One of them was already mentioned by Annie, but since it is one of my faves, I am listing it too!

Cabin Fever in Alaska
Carbon Copy: Life as an Artist in Woodstock
The Common Denominator: Exploring Life one Collage at a Time
New Paltz Classical Art Academy
Inventive Soul

All the people who have written these blogs have inspired me in many ways. I have met two of them, the others - I feel like I have known them forever. Please stop by and check out their blogs, and their energy and art work.

If you have been selected for the award, please pay it forward, following the steps below:

1) Choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material, and overall contribution to the blogger community, regardless of the language.

2) Post the name of the author and a link to his or her blog so everyone can view it.

3) Each award-winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award.

4) The award-winner and the presenter should post the link of the "Arte y pico" blog , so everyone will know the origin of this award.

5) Please post these rules!

Thanks Annie, you made my day!

Off to read some before I crash. This new summer life seems to consist of going to bed very late, and getting up at 8. It is more my style, I don't like going to bed earlier and getting up when the sun is rising!

Patti O Blogger

PS Photo that Larry took tonight of Nate (our nephew) and his girlfriend Christina. Isn't youth fabulous? They are like porcelain dolls..sigh....


Elizabeth said…
Thanks for the blog honors. You rock!

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