What I Learned Today

I am still up to my ears in trying to sort out my life in two rooms..my dining room, and my back room which houses my computer and my ebay/etsy stuff. I am starting in those two rooms because they are close to the refrigerator. (only kidding)No matter how much I sort and file, the piles don't go away. What is up with that?

I also decided to print up more of my blogs. I am not sure what I am going to do with over 700 entries over the past few years, but there are some good thoughts and lots of great art work, and when I went to see where I left off last summer, I realized that I had stopped printing them up in September of 2006! I was in shock! Where did all that time go? It drips like water through our hands....I finished '06, and figured that each day I am home I will do a month.

I read through some of the blogs, and felt some of the same pain that I felt when I -wrote them, especially the blogs when Megan was in the hospital,then when she was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma, and the entries about her being in Iraq. They took my breath away, and I had to stop reading them because it made me sad, anxious and worried.

She had called today and cried as her husband told her that when the baby is born, he can only stay for a few days before he will be deployed back to Afghanistan. There was not much I could say. My political rantings are useless and hurtful here to them, all I could do was tell her to take it one day at a time.

In my futzing around with Microsoft Word, cutting and pasting the photos from my blogs and the texts, I figure out how to wrap the text around the photos, thus saving space and paper.

I have become a bit obsessive about how I can be less wasteful, and saving paper is one of the ways I can do it in my office. I print on two sides of the paper when I print out receipts of bills I pay online, I print out less. I would have saved the blog to disc except for the fact that I needed hard copy to make notes and write ideas down.

I also started getting my taxes together so that I can start the paperwork for the first 6 months of the year. What a novel idea!

So..I learned that
-YOU can't beat the paperwork monster
-that the I before E rule of Grammar does not apply to the word Leiomyosarcoma......
-You CAN teach an old horse new tricks
-and there is SOMETHING to be learned every day.
-Oh, and yes, as the card says "Peace, be still"

Tomorrow I am heading to NYC, and I am sure I will have some tales to tell when I return!

Patti O Muser



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