The Law of Attraction

I have been busy dealing with the promotion/marketing part of my life.

I teach all day, then go home and work on profession no.2 - artist.

That could entail shipping, or to the art supply store. More often than not it means going into the studio and doing as much as I can do before I run out of "art" steam, and head into the house to do one of my many jobs....cook, clean, organize, do some computer work in the way of selling, marketing, blah blah blah. 1/3 of an artists time is supposed to be doing such s----, thrown in with a few political emails to my beloved cousin, who LOVES to do battle with me, and I can't resist the challenge. (yeah, I still love ya Jim)

Today's cooking challenge at 7 pm, was to save the bag of hen (or chicken?) of the woods wild mushrooms that my friend harvested, cleaned, and it was up to me to cook. So while I was designing, thinking, and advertising, I was cooking home made chicken soup with mushrooms, and sauteing said mushrooms for the base for early Friday morning omelette's for my students.

Th universe has dropped a couple of tidbits into my lap (see my catskillpaper blog) which even complicates matters more. And I am going for the challenges. Keeping centered, and accepting that things play out EXACTLY the way they are supposed to, keeps me sane. But I also believe in putting out positive energy as much as I can, and man, does it come back to me the same, only more so.

An aside, I am trying to plan my birthday weekend. Last year I had a horrible drug reaction that ruined my 50Th b-day (oh my ruined b-days are a blog onto themselves..) so this year I am trying to re-coup. And when I say drug reaction, I don't mean illicit drugs...I mean PRESCRIBED drugs which made me hallucinate more than any 60's or 70's drug trip could do.

So thus far, I have bought tickets to see my beloved Jeffrey Gaines play before Shawn Colvin, another favorite whom I have not EVER heard live.

So here's to STEADY ON, to adventure and fun and work and not going crazy.....

Patti O Marketeer


Unknown said…
well i hope this year's birthday is so fabulous it makes up for all the others!! happy halloween!!! blessed samhain!! here's to staying centered ;)!

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