Sequel to the House of Exploding Chairs

A long time ago I wrote a blog which some of you found exceedingly funny about my dining room chairs.

I don't have the money right now to buy a new dining rooms set. I am still eating at the second hand set that my ex-in-laws gave to me when I moved in with their son some 25 plus years ago. Since that time the table had to endure kids, my artwork, their play, and the cats that still walk on the table when I am not home. The chairs? Like our marriage, they fell apart piece by piece.

Larry and I have been picking up chairs this past 10 years off the street that no one else wanted and we gave them a home. Sadly they did not last long either as they were not in very good shape. One day at a huge holiday dinner, one exploded, falling totally apart, dumping my girlfriend on the floor.

I still have some oak T-backs that I won't give up. I keep thinking that someday I will find someone to fix them. But they sit off to the side, a chair that will only hold the weight of one of my cats.

Last night before the opening, I ducked into one of the local antique stores and found this chair that took me back in time to my grandmother's house in Woodside, Queens. It looks like a chair from the set that has been promised to me, only I have not had the time nor the manpower to rent a truck, drive to Queens, load it in, and drive it back. I am sure that it is not safe to walk up the stairs in the house, and that in order to get the set out, I will have to excavate the room. You see, my aunts are the Collyer sisters who have three houses, full of STUFF (like old bags, newspapers, mail, just piles and piles of it) Somewhere underneath it all are very fine antiques and lots of fabulous objects that I remember from my childhood. The epitome of artwork and images that I collect and use in my artwork. The things of which fond memories are made.

SO....I bought the chair...38.00 plus 20% off...a steal for a chair made around the same time my house was built. I now call it my throne. I am on the hunt for at 3 others like it. They can be slightly different, but of the same style and year. I hear it is a shabby chic thing now to do this....all different chairs. I do it not out of fashion, but of necessity. It's all good.

Pattio O Diner

PS other photo is of my old 1800's post office cubby that is filled with my vintage xmas elves and bottle brush trees. Wine is usually stored on the left. Don't look too hard, it is very dusty, haha.


Anonymous said…
Ooh, I love excavating other people's houses! It's fascinating. Unfortunately, I wish someone would excavate mine!
Unknown said…
oooh... i'll have to share my fitting-my-grandmother's-furniture into my house stories some day... talk about exploding chairs! :))) i LOVE your new find - i LOVE old furniture and refinishing it is one of my favorite things to do!!!
Judy Vars said…
Ohhh I love old chairs that don't match

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