And to All a Goodnight

Photo of Megan decorating the tree, just before Alanna did a big raspberry in her face. She almost went to bed for that one.
I am again sick, and heading to bed. I was just sick 3 weeks ago, and now I have a cold or chest cold descending upon I am coughing to the point of choking. I need to rest lest my Christmas be spent in bed too. Thankfully I have two boxes of Zicam which will be coming with me wherever I go. Of course, I blame in on myself --- letting stress get the best of me, and inevitably when that happens I become a host for the illnesses of the world.
The EOS windows froze to the car this morning, and I was outside trying to free them with De-Icer so that I could open the car door and get to work. Though the roads were horrid, school was on time. TOO BAD --- I WASN'T. I am going to have to buy a car cover, or clean out the garage so that I can garage the car in bad weather.
Hope you are all warm and happy.
Patti O Dreamer
Feel better Miz P.
That tree looks wonderful from what I can see!
In order to feel oh so heart-y
the photo of Jesus will need another Looksee....
feel better,