New York Flash Back

I was young, maybe 17. I was naive - a geek.

My aunt arranged for me, Ms. Teenage Geekess, to meet with a head honcho at one of the huge advertising agencies in the Big Apple where she worked- J. Walter Thompson.

Me, who spent my spare time drawing fantasy creatures in my journals, illustrating dramatic poetry about unrequited love and the underlying sexual frustration of a good Catholic girl.

I put on my heels, a dress which was probably too big for me, and took the bus into the city, carrying a portfolio larger than life. I remember walking, my heart pounding in my chest, navigating my way through New York City. I saw more people in one day than I had seen in the country for the six or so years I was living there.

Mr. Corporate Art Man was nice enough, encouraging me to keep up my work, but gently telling me that I needed basic training.

I left there feeling any fantasy of being a hot shot artist in New York quickly fade away. Besides, I hated the trip.

It was humiliating actually, when I realized this big important man took time out of his busy day to look at mediocre horsie art, as a favor to my aunt. Nice guy but they both could have spared me some pain.

I went home and never looked back - stayed out of the big lights, working only for small companies and doing small shows. Safe. Near. Not too risky.

So here I find myself on the eve of the NY show, having fantasies about people falling all over my clever cards, my political humor. "Will you work for us? a top executive asks". "We will top your teaching salary," he quips. A chorus of creative directors chant "we want you here.... we want you here..."

Of course, I refuse, telling them that my talent can't be bought so easily.

Back to reality---I have no expectations. It IS a very large international interactive advertising/marketing agency. The place WILL be crawling with exectutives and highly creative types.

So full steam ahead matey.....

Patti O Gambler!


Unknown said…
you cant reach for the moon unless you're willing to step off the earth :). dream big. and have a wonderful time@!!!!
Judy Vars said…
Wow, It sounds like your art is going big places. I personallly love your work, it's quirky, intellegent, and totally unique. The New Yorkness of it all, I've had similar fantasies.
I saw Annie Leiberwitz being interviewed, wow, how would it be to be like her. If she says; I want flying monkeys, she gets flying monkeys.
Have Fun!
Patti O... I can't wait to hear how the show went. I am loving seeing some of your work and especially the politically inspired 'W' pieces. Absolutely, brilliantly quirky. I hope the show was great for you. Oh and I missed Unison Art Fair this year for the first time in many years, I missed it.

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