I'm Glad I'm Not a Turkey

This is a turkey. This is a turkey having a procedure done by Larry and Mr."X".
Mr. X made it very clear that he did not want his name mentioned or his photo included in tonight's blog as he is afraid that the internet turkey police might come and seek him out for questioning about what happened the night of the 25th. I told him if Sarah Palin can be interviewed on national TV while horrid things are being done to the turkeys behind her, (click HERE to watch video - what the hell was that guy DOING to the turkeys?!) then I thought he was safe. But he does not trust me on that, so I have kept his name out of print.
The thing by the way, is a digital temperature probe. Instead of carving the turkey, they had turned it into a science experiment. They found out that the neck was the coldest part in comparison to any other. And here is a turkey survey question. What part of the turkey are the guys probing?!!!
The turkey was delicious, as was the wild mushroom and cranberry stuffing, the green beans sauteed in butter, garlic, and almonds, the homemade cranberry sauce, and the red skinned garlic mashed potatos. Desert-my infamous chocolate cream pie.
I don't know how I pulled off this dinner for 10, as I was SOOOOO sick, but with the help of friends and relatives, we had a mighty feast.
This morning I could hardly get out of bed to go for my mammo at 8:30 in the morning. What was I THINKING when I scheduled this. As a treat to myself after having my breasts made flat as pancakes by a huge robotic machine, I headed to the gym for a 30 minute stint in the sauna listening to my new Eckhart Tolle CD of "Music to Quiet the Mind" . D E L I G H T F U L and hopefully it will speed the healing process.
Off to set up a digital frame for my mother, whom we are having a party with in the nursing home tomorrow afternoon. After the 5 kids have terrorized the place, they will then come to my house for an party to finish off the Christmas Season, or maybe finish me off!
Patti O Party!