Bet You're Wondering....

So ya all been wondering.....what happened to Patti, and what happened in NY?

First of all, I got really hit hard by the ice storm...power outage from dinner time yesterday till some time today. No electric, no phone, no computer. Had to make dinner for the 5 of us by candlelight and keep it simple - spinach salad with cold chicken. Alanna was crying because she was scared, which made Randy cry....and I was running around lighting candles and waiting for Larry to get home with the Vodka. We had plans for a Bloody Mary celebration party as I have ended the long stretch of working 2 jobs, plus Megan LOVES my Bloody Marys.

(The mixer in case you want it!)
Tomato Juice
Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
Worcestershire Sauce
Hot Sauce
Fresh Ground Pepper
Lots of Horseradish
some garlic and herb salt
Dill seeds if I have some fresh from my plants
And of course...a goodly shot of decent Vodka - doesn't have to be top shelf, but something Like Pinnacle, Stolis is OK. I save the Ciroc/Chopin/Grey Goose for sipping.....

Went to make cowboy coffee this morning--till I realized I had only whole beans. I debated chewing them, but decided they might make my stomach scream. So off to work, no coffee, no shower, bangs sticking up from an unsettled nights sleep....(and here I sit and type)

NYC----Scenario: warm but steady well as fog and the heavy mist that flies off the trucks when driving in a rainstorm to make the trip a tad bit stressful. Our timing turned a 2 hour trip into a 3 hour trip. Jammed up traffic on the GW and on the FDR....unloading went OK except for getting stuck in the elevator trying to unload my stuff. I would barely get one of four large items out the door of the elevator, when it would slam shut on me, leaving my stuff in a lobby, taking me down to the first floor again. After a few times of only getting one thing out a time before I got trapped and sent to the nether lands, I begged someone to hold the button so the door would stay open. People watched it happen, time after you think anyone offered to help? Apparently not unless asked. Sigh. (Which reminds me to tell you a story of something that happened the other day -- which is really disturbing me)

I was 1/2 hour late due to traffic and had to set up like a maniac.

The upside was that Digitas was very cool and I was given an EXCELLENT space for my work, especially my paintings, with a view of an entertaining video of the work they have done for their clients displayed on a flat screen TV, created in cutting edge technology by vibrant, young, creative employees.

Many loved my paintings and mixed media large work, but did not have the money to spend. Probably a bit too young and having to watch their money living in the NY of C.during a financial crisis. My biggest admirer/patron was a vendor who is fashion writer and designer (published by Rizzoli) from New Orleans. He fell in love with my work.

After paying the parking, gas, tolls, and the stress of driving, (uh..front seat driver that is...) I am not sure that I would do it again. I have been invited back for the spring show, and IF I do it, I will have to rethink the trip. Take the train and a cab/subway/or bus and carry only one case on wheels. If I can pull it off that way, I will consider it.

What I did get from the show was a sense of direction in my art. If NYers are really digging my fine art, I should pay attention to that. The voice is whispering...stop the small stuff and go for the stars.......

Funny how life presents itself to us, isn't it?

Patti O Journey



Unknown said…
very funny :). it sounds sort of like the time i was invited by harlequin to sign books at the national book conference or whatever it is held in june. i was completely out of my element, but oh, it was so much fun. but im not sure i'd want to do it again. but on the other hand... :)))
Andrea said…
I am SO glad you took the leap! Now you won't wonder "what if", and it opens you to new possibilities and opportunities!

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