In the Workshop

I am too tired to post much tonight, but I will leave you with a few of my cards that I just posted on Etsy.

I have sold all of the vintage Santas that I listed, so I put up a few more.
I know they will sell at the craft fair, but I am also trying to build an Etsy clientèle. It is a slow process in such an economy. It is a slow process in a GOOD economy.

I am not going to do the NYC show. It could be my big "break" but the reality is, it is an awfully long day, and a lot of stress to get there. A two hour plus drive into lower Manhattan, having to unload, set up, then find parking, sell for three hours, and then leave to come back home. And, it is a gamble.

In some ways I am unsettled with this decision as I have been waiting for an opportunity like this to come along, but at what expense? I am working 2 jobs 7 days a week.... me out here folks...augh! Me, who is so clear and focused doesn't know what to do!

It is on Park Avenue, in the 30's...a large corporation called Digitas who holds a craft fair for their booth fee, and they said 7-800 employees have "access" to the show.

Patti O Indecision


Woodstock said…
If you come down, you could come over to the apartment and we could load up my car with your gear, then I could dbl park while you unloaded.

When you were done, I could drive in and pick you and your stuff up and then drive you back to NJ for a clean getaway.

There is another craft show on Dec 6th, at a cool restaraunt/bar with burners showing their works. Lemme know if you want to do that instead.

best wishes,
Unknown said…
im with ross. ;)
Unknown said…
Are you sure you don't fear success? Probably not, but I think you should do it. It's an opportunity that doesn't come along everyday. Plus, you just got an offer for help. I would love to be in your shoes right now!
I'm so behind on my reading. The posting one a day in Nov caused me to go in different areas for a few days....that and the craft show for tomorrow - getting ready. I totally understand where you are coming from. And your cheerleaders. Taking a chance is what its all about sometimes. Getting into selling your art to begin with is taking a chance and a satisfying one. But being someone who sells, ...yeah....driving, setting up and not making the fee for the rental space wouldn't be cool. BUT...its so close to Christmas and people are buying more right now with the countdown on than they would maybe other times of the year. But you have year long wares. Something that always has a place, be it a holiday or be it framable art. I simply love my dancing frogs with overlooking owls!!

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