Moonlight and warmth
I braved it through the first part of my day out of sorts from lack of sleep, and the first day of my period which is ALWAYS a bear. Usually I have a day of a nagging headache before it, followed by 24+ hours of misery. Sometimes I embrace it, others I am just plain pissy about it all. Once I got home I quickly shifted gears. My friend Ken (a network chiropractor) did some amazing energy work on me, (that might account for my feeling better too!) then off to get ready for Halloween. Alanna arrived, we donned our costume, and went into the twilight to trick and treat for the first time. We only went to half a dozen houses in our neighborhood, followed by Ginas (the massage meister!)for snacks and a sip of wine. (And goodies for Alanna of course). Last stop === the hospital to see mommy. It was poignant when we came in view of the night lights of the hospital and Alanna yelled MOMMY'S HOUSE! How do you explain all of this to a 2 year old? No word on what is going on with her b...