Froggy Placecards

It was a tough day -- for both my daughter and I had to face some demons. It involved sitting in criminal court for four hours with the case is going to trial.

I knew I had to go there with her. It is hard enough to file abuse charges on someone you love, never mind sitting for hours in a very tense atmosphere, alone. His lawyer kept winking at her; it was abhoring to watch. I told her to hold her stare and stance firm. She did well. I hope she is as stong in the trial in December.

It was a flash back to another life, another time which seems so distant, so unreal, where I was in the same seat as her. I told her that all these challenges make us strong women. And you know, I AM strong and I am at peace now that I no longer feel a victim. I am a survivor.

I quickly shifted gears from emotional supporting mommy to graphic artist. I had to design place cards for tomorrow night's party for my aunt. She will be 76 and we don't know if she will live another year, so we are trying to pull off a small intimate family party. She loves frogs so I took this image from one of my cards and made adorable place cards. This is actually a fold-over card where I hand cut the top of the frog's head so it sticks up when the card is folded. It is SO cute and I KNOW she will be thrilled with them adorning the tables. Had I more time I could have made pop up cards etc., but I need another 12 hours to do that.

This weekend is my workshop too with Melissa Harris. Will be reporting back!



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