Tonight is the opening of the 5th annual Varga Gallery showcase of women's art. I joined the Visionary Collective yesterday, which was a good step in the art world for me as it will force me to come up with two new small art works a month, to hang in the Christina Varga's Gallery in Woodstock, New York.
I now belong to the Woodstock Art Association and Museum, am an artist "repped" by the Varga Gallery, and the jury is out as to whether I will re-join the ASK network in Kingston. I will eventually re-join, but with money tight, I will have to bring in more money to pay the 55.00 fee. It is expensive to be an artist, as there are dues to pay, art to make AND frame, and with a sales of fine art sporadic, I have to invest my money wisely.
I held back my notebook from the Notebook Project as I found out that the fine print states that they own the copyright to my work! The limericks and art were unique enough that I cannot chance their using my art and writing, without comepensating me.
I heard that the same applies to Facebook. As I understand, images posted there can also be used by them. Now guaranteed, there are zillions of photos of work on there I am sure, and the chance of mine being used is slim, but it does put an artist at risk of having their work used for no money.
For Valentine's Day Larry and I went out for a late lunch at the Canard, our local French Restaurant, and then ditched all other night plans and opted for the movies to see Slumdog Millionaire, which was the perfect choice for the evening. The theater was not crowded, and the movie was fab. Afterwards we ran into Best Buy to buy speakers for the kitchen that Tom is going to be doing the wiring for. I bought the soundtrack to the movie. I can see myself now - dancing, cleaning or painting to the beat.
Two movie reviews tomorrow. I have a nightcap to make, (methinks a White Russian) some chocolate cookies to munch on, and a man to hmmm...entertain for a while.
Patti O Valentine