Into the Car Wash

My inspiration comes from the strangest places for this blog. Today's was while going though the automatic car wash.

I had just come from a morning of baby and then taking myself out to do some things that I had put off for too long ie: shopping, bank, PO etc. I have not felt very social, and it sometimes takes a real effort to go into "the zone". I armed myself with some new music for the ride, and was prepared to experience it for what it was.

While dropping clothes off at the "Sally" I met a gentleman about 15 years my senior. He said "I know you, but I don't know where from!" Of course my brain cells have derailed from time to time, and I do know A LOT of people from many different walks in my life. But he was right, it was no line, I did indeed know him. His face and personae had a familiar aura. He remembered it was from my job, where he had been in Adult Ed,(perhaps an adult reading course) and I was teaching in the next building. We would meet from time to time in the cafeteria and talk. I still don't remember his name but I do remember his sweetness and kindness. I don't think his life had been easy, and I don't think it is now, but he always had a smile, and was a gentleman. 15 years later he hasn't lost that charm, the abiity to make me feel like the most special person in the room. I was an honored guest to visit his store, and he wished me to come back soon, and whispered that time had laid her hand gracefully upon me.

Still musing about that, I went to Marshalls to wander a bit...I had not been shopping in a long time and found myself meandering through lingerie; after all is on the pathway to the shoes. I had a delightful time trying things on. Workout pants, sexy things which included shoes, which can be very sexy...even combat boots. It is all how you wear them! And for the past 1 1/2 years post my ankle surgery, I have made an art out of making flats look good with everything. I have graduated to some heels now, which is quite delightful I must say. My HIGH heel days are over I fear, but I will accept compromise.

I went to the Health food store for supplements for Megan and I. The young man was so helpful and concerned about Megan when I told him what we needed them for. We had a short but intense discussion about Iraq and the poor young people coming back sick and damaged from the war. We could not talk long, it was too intense and upsetting for us both, but he loaded me up with information and told me to come back.

The CRV really needed a good wash and a wax. I love driving a sparkling clean car. It is such a treat, and only lasts a short amount of time before road dirt changes red to grey again. A group of friendly, laughing, spunky young men ran around my car rinsing off the grime, wishing me happy New Year, and smiling like a bunch of silly boys, and then sent me on my way into the abyss of the car wash. I find the automatic car wash a really cool place. It is dark, no one can see you or hear how loud you play your music, and I have done things like take photographs, sing on the top of my lungs bouncing about in the seat, and enjoy the commotion around me while I am locked up safe and dry. (ah, I am alone when I do these things)
As the car inched through, I thought about all the spirit I had encountered on my travels in the zone.

A sincere and kind gentleman
a young boy passionate with life and the future
car wash guys frolicking like children
and my own old spirit coming back to me.

I laughed when I felt it happen and again when I felt the joy and beauty at a time where I live in a very grey space. I am grateful for such insight; it is easy to get mired down with negativity and despair, while the most wonderful and graceful moments pass us by.

Suddenly out into the world my car was thrust, and I was back again in the zone again, my eyes readjusting to the light, but rather than dreading it, I had become part the good energy around me and I smiled because I had just gotten it.

Off to play in my dreams, Patti
PS one of my little mermaid collages...she loves the car wash too......


Anonymous said…
I love that collage. About the R&F thing.
I saw a special on tv that proves the theory that we are all removed by from each other by a factor of 6.
The experment goes thus if you were given a name and maby where the person lives and what he does you could connect through a series of not more than 6 contacts. It really works.

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