Late night reporting here- but brief coverage. Just got back from a VERY long but gratifying weekend. The show and energy was great and I really got charged and upbeat doing it. There is a high that you get when people are stuffed into your booth and loving what you do. I create from my heart and magic that is given to me from some divine being (God, Buddha, Allah, etc. take your pick for a diving being-I commit to none and all if that makes any sense)
I also bought a few very special pieces which I will put on the blog in the next night or two. A fabulous blown glass necklace and my Buddha shrine. They are both superb. They are worth at least 2-3 pairs of shoes LOLOL.
I am sipping wine, musing, tired. I am smiling. I am thankful. I have been graced with interacting with the most wonderful people in the world. Perhaps some year I will rent a booth and just have an anti-sale party all weekend long, feed all people and sell nothing, and give things away.??? As it is I give much away when I have a sale. It is a true pleasure.
In gratitude for abundance, Patti