Be Careful What You WIsh For
After school I went to do all the things I could not do over the snow laden weekend---the Post Office, the Bank, the grocery store, and then I decided to go to the tanning booth for 6 minutes to get some friggin light, and maybe a little bit of color IN CASE I make that plane reservation for San Francisco for a few days of R and R with a friend over Easter break. I was also supposed to go to a meeting tonight which I was dreading as I still had to finish my NY sales taxes. So while in the grocery store, I started to visualize my class being cancelled. It started snowing harder and harder out. I get home, and go straight to the answering machine where I expected to see a flashing light with a message saying MEETING CANCELLED. But what, no flashing light or numbers on the machine? I go to turn on the lamp - no light--- I can't see to make sure all is plugged I try a few more switches, what, no light???? NO ELECTRIC??? While in the dark I get the phone call, too much snow, class is cancelled, but shit, I can't see!!!
I run around the house like a crazed woman. I can't blog, I can't see to do my taxes. I can't work in the studio. I can't listen to the weather or to my music. I CAN'T DO A THING. I finally decide the universe is making me be quiet. I wanted a night without class, I got it! But that also meant a night without anything. I had no choice but to find some candles, pour a glass of wine, take them upstairs to bed, and just lay down and try and rest. Unfortunately my mind would not rest, so I laid there and thought about my son (that is for another blog) and my daughter, and the baby who is sick again, and my life, and I got myself all in a twist.
Larry came home, and after two hours of the watching the electric guy trying to figure out what was wrong with the electric and climbing the pole etc, we went out for sushi. We got home about 10 PM and FINALLY we have electric, and all is well. OK..almost. I still have to finish my taxes, which HAD to wait till I am done blogging, and I am again reminded to BE CAREFUL WHAT I WISH FOR, or better yet, to more SPECIFIC about what I wish for. Lesson for the day.
It's OK. I am learning. And each time I get better at it. Off to do taxes, xxp