The Lone Glove

I had a nice new banner, which featured one of my assemblages titled "Ecstasy Girl". Very cool, and it went perfectly with the title of my blog, but blogger did something, took my large banner away, and now I am left with a little thin strip to put a piece of artwork in. Blech.

I know a little bit of HTML, but am too fried to figure out how to fix it. Perhaps the universe will be kind to me and give me a snow day on Monday, and I can spend some time trying to figure it out.

Long day. Did the fair, did OK considering I did not have that much to bring, and I came home and crashed for a bit. My feet hurt from standing, my face hurt from smiling (truly smiling...I love this fair-both its clients and vendors!)

Wendy is coming over soon-it is her last night here as she is flying back to California tomorrow. She will be back soon I suspect as the doctors gave her brother a week or two to live, and she is heavy with knowing that tomorrow is the last time she will see her brother alive.

While I have a bit of energy I will sit with her, and let her cry.

I found myself crying while I was driving back from lunch yesterday when I saw a lone glove lying in the road. I thought about some of the silly things that make me cry at times when I am vulnerable; someones pet lying on the side of the road, another soldier killed in action, newspaper headlines, the obituary of a person cut down in their prime, --a lone glove. Then I think of the story my father told me once, about his little toy boat, but I will save that for another time.

There is a storm heading east here, and is supposed to start before the show is over. I hope that it is not too bad as I have a 15 mile drive home. I know, that is not so bad, but when it is dark and storming and you are in the country, it can seem like forever.

The angels have been keeping me safe for a long time however, and I know they still ride with me........



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