Musings on a Wintery Day

I enjoy when I am snowed in, and today was the second day this week. It forces me to stay home and be quiet. Perhaps not still, but more quiet. I am able to find time to sit with my thoughts and listen to my heart and create. To me, that is nirvana.

I was able to go back into the studio today and work for the first time in a few weeks. I burnt out so badly that I had to take a hiatis from my artwork. This afternoon, during the storm, I made gifts, and handmade cards for some of my friends with papers or images that they collect. I may have problems remembering my passwords, but I know what each and every friend of family members collect. Elephants, peacocks, dogs, cats, monkeys, vintage transportation, windmills, concertinas, fiddles, and more.

I also made some more cards for customers, and thought about the direction I want to go this year in art and my life. I have found the winter an excellent time to examine an aspect of my life that I need to understand or change, and have also worked on my art by taking classes or working programs such as the Artist's Way Books.

This winter I am doing a workbook recommended to my daughter. Called Repeat After Me, it is a workbook for developing new life skills, changing negative behaviours to positive, changing hurtful beliefs, and understanding how the past influences the present. At the very least if forces me to write which can influence my art or my own writing. Fodder for the blogs. (you know it is HARD to write every day and have something of worth to say!)

I also just bought Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book, as I need to learn Adobe Illustrator from now till May. I can't get a class as they keep getting cancelled, so I am on my own using a method that is not my favorite...I would rather have a teacher SHOW me....I follow suit, and that is the way I learn best--not with a book, but now I have no choice......

These past few snowstorms have also given me time with Larry. Though we spend much of the time doing separate things, there is an unspoken comfort and peace in having him there.

Tonight's ephemera is from the late 1800's. It stands up as a decoration. I may put it on etsy or ebay, but then again, I may keep it. It is over 100 years old and I do so love the antique images that I have gleaned over the years.

Off to make dinner, patti o cooker


Judy Vars said…
That is one of the cutest victorian images I've seen. Keep it! I love those snowed in days also! Hubby suggested I put my passwords on a disk what a concept. The book Repeat After Me,sounds like a good thing. I've got to do some errands today but I'd rather stay home paint, clean, read, dream (not exercize though)
Your friend in Alaska
Tangled Stitch said…
I love snow days too. They let me get back to what I love and not worry about anything more important then when I have to go shovel. Today my husband got the snowblower to work, one driveway too late.

Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year. Thanks for the lovely victorian greeting.

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