I was not going to write a blog tonight. It is late and I am tired after a very long, and as always, interesting day.
I HAVE STORIES, but as a friend told me: "when in doubt, leave it out". That keeps me grounded and wise in my decisions of what to tell here. I also don't want to become a tabloid blog for juicy stories, although it is sure tempting, and it is only human nature that makes one want to hear them.
I was ready to go to bed when I got an email from a dear friend titled: "JFK Airport STained Glass Art Falls Victim to "progress"." It had a link to the Associated Press article which did not work, and the fine print in the article forbid it's publication. Google it-- I am sure you will find it.
It is the story of the destruction of the HUGE 317'x 23' stained glass window at JFK, revealed in 1960. I found it sad and pitiful that an amazing work of art was going to be destroyed (save for a few sections that were going to be displayed within the Airport.)
But what piqued my interest was the mention of JFK once being Idlewild Airport.
FLASH BACK EARLY 60's. A little red headed girl is taken to an airport by her father to watch the planes take off and land. It is powerful, it is magic. In a way, it is something more than powerful, but you can't quite put your finger on it. Perhaps you don't want to. It remains one of the few good memories that you have of that little girls childhood.
Wait, was it McArthur airport or was it Idlewild?
It does not matter.
It is a memory of another time, when a little girl felt the rumble of the jets and in her imagination could feel the heat and the blast and dream about what it would be like to be able to leave and never come back.
But that little girl also remembers, "there's no place like home" and she steps back into reality.
Hmm.....interesting day.
Patti O Memories.