Olana Painting
I had a splendid weekend at the workshop. The hours flew by, and I worked most of the 7 hours of the workshop each day. I am mellow as most of the fourteen hours spent painting I was in the "zone", a meditative state totally where I am relaxied, contemplative, and let the muse flow through me. I cherished all aspects of a weekend of snow, wind, paint, and friends.
The piece de resistance was when Larry came home and walked into the studio where I had hung the paintings to dry. His mouth was in a big "o" and said, "wow, this was an amazing breakthrough weekend.".
Oddly enough, my favorite painting is the one I feared most. Complex in design, and on a LARGE canvas, or at least it was huge to me, it is one that I hope I can complete and still keep its essence. The next challenge is to finish these paintings using a technique that takes five days to dry in between each layer.
I discovered that I like working larger. The painting process is more kinectic, more free, and you can work with large brushes. I had a hard time adjusting to the smaller canvases after that.
Tonight's painting is of Olana, one of my favorite places in the entire world. It is magic, and it rates right up there with Mohonk.