Down by the River

It has been an interesting weekend....I got out more than usual, partially due to the weather being so lovely and warm...

I went to an opening last night, still not feeling terribly social. It was PACKED wall to wall people; there were some people there that were from my past and present life, always making for a mix of emotions. Many people were asking about Megan, and I found myself on auto pilot, answering questions and trying to keep a smile on my face. Though I was there in body, my heart and soul were in other places. Somehow I managed to keep focused and controlled. A few very dear friends showed up at the end, who could cheer me up no matter what my mood.

Today I worked on business and art, and made a pot of chicken soup for Megan and Alanna, who are both very sick. I envisioned love and healing as I made the soup, and delivered it later in the afternoon.

On the way to their house, I drove along the Hudson River. I found a place that I could park; no stone walls, no fences. I could have driven my car right into the river at that spot. The sun was setting, the colors rippling off the still waters, rose and blue and gold. I wanted to dip a canvas into the water and bring it up again, capturing the subtleties of light and the color. It was quiet, still......I wondered if the river could wash clean the dreck in my life. Had I a boat, I would have stepped in and pushed drift along the current in the fading hours of the day. It was beautiful, still, and not a soul around. Traveling further still, I encountered a herd of deer, and a paper bag with two eyes reflecting my lights.

I have school work to do, and don't have much energy nor enthusiasm for it, but it has to be done. The heat and the lights are still on in the studio, begging me to return.

I have not heard from anyone regarding last night's post. Perhaps everyone was busy and did not read it; perhaps they want me to tell only MY stories. It won't be the first idea I have had these days that flopped, and I am sure it won't be the last. It is not dead yet, as it is only one part of a larger piece.

I did manage to create a piece today for my valentine series. I knew exactly what I was going to do once I had the paper in my hand. It is magic when the muse strikes, and I worked feverishly till it was done. Tongue in cheek, typical of me, especially when it comes to romance. It was done by scanning a print from the 1800's of a heart, and then I digitally dissected each piece into another file, erasing, fine tuning, moving etc. till I got it the way I wanted.

You all do have a piece of my heart.



Anonymous said…
I pictured you like the Lady of Shallot (spelling?) Floating along the Hudson as the colors wash over you, through you, healing you, as you become one with the timeless landscape. Echoing the life that has come before you and that will follow you.

OH! may I take a survey of yours?
I LOVE quizzes!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Patti,
I had an opening reception last night and it was sub-zero. What a differencefrom NY Hudson Valley. I have been reading your blogs lately your story and your writing is lovely, sad, interesting, funny. I'd love to have the ability to just write the truth and tell how I really feel instead of censoring myself. Wow inventivesoul that's poetic. I could paint that.
My blog"I am so pleased with my show last night. A few people showed up, I sold some art, the food was good, everyone had a good time."

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