Inside my Zone Part 1

Very few people get to come inside the "zone". I have two sets of locks, but no curtains, so I suppose when I am in there late at night, those who walk by can get a glimpse of me dancing or painting, or sipping on my wine while working late. There is a local studio tour every two years, so that is one of the rare times it is "spit-spot" and I allow people to come into my sacred space. A few friends from time to time are invited in, but I do a different kind of work when I am in there with them. Most of my work comes out of solitude,inspirational music, and my over-active imagination.

I have had many studios over the years, and sometimes they were kitchen tables and counters, dining rooms, bedrooms, basements and attics. After taking a workshop with Jonathan Talbot, and having worked through The Artist's Way, I decided I was worth the investment of my own studio.

I took half of my two car garage, and transformed it into a studio complete with electric, a wonderful heater, high ceilings and as much window as I could afford. I have track lighting, a ceiling fan, an air conditioner, dehumidifier for the summer, and a small refrigerator. All that I lack is a toilet and sink. (though I always have a lego bucket on hand for those emergency when I locked myself out of the house and had to wait HOURS and HOURS for Larry to come home to open it up)

If I were to improve on it, I would put in water and a loft area for a read or nap, or just to dream. I like the idea of another world, another place where I can escape that is not too far away. But then that becomes a zoning issue, as it could be an "apartment" and would raise my taxes to another level. And I am NOT paying more than I have to.

The back window is just a tiny one that opens, and provides some light from above. I have a charcoal drawing on board from the early 1800's...she is my guardian. You can see her from the street, and she is rather spooky, so trespassers take heed.

I have a lovely picture window that looks out onto my yard where hidden sculptures, a chiminea, a bench as well as a small Japanese garden, grasses and other flora and fauna reside, as well as a host of birds and small animals. Oh, and not to forget the deer and the skunks which periodically startle me when I am back and forth to the house in the twilight and night hours..

The door to the studio looks out to the side door of my house so I can always see someone coming or going as well as any cars that might pull up. I like to be forewarned when I have to break the concentration or flow of my work. Often I don't bring in the house phone OR the cell phone into the studio because it is a place of work and concentration and everything else can wait. It is like taking a mini-vacation.

This week I will post more pictures and commentary on the creative process. I have found that people are often curious as to what another artist's space looks like, or how they work. Each is as individual as the artist themselves.

Hope you all had a lovely and creative day! I am off to Karen who is making me a lovely dinner on a bleak rainy sunday night. Patti


Anonymous said…
You have a LOVELY work space/view!
Lucky you!

I have been catching up on your blog, and I did get the email for the site with Megs on it.
Very cool of your friends to do that.

I have been a bit tired, but would like to send something along, that maybe you can auction or sell at a show etc.
I haven't yet made it, but I have a few ideas.
Keep nagging me about it if I forget.

Life's value is not measured by it's length, but rather judged through the quality one chooses to live it!
-Amber Dawn
Anonymous said…
Oh yea Patti,
I love your space! It and you are so inspiring. Your 1800's lady looks alot like my Great Grandma Shaw. I slept im my Grandmas Wash haunted house in Weston, Idaho. Her picture in the parlor always staring at me. She looked so strict. Thats wierd.
Thank you for sharing :)
Judy Vars
Anonymous said…
I have so enjoyed reading your blog! I love hearing about other artists work spaces and what fuels them on. What a great studio space you have! Hope the icy weather your way is not to bad!

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