Taking Down the Tree

I have used this image before, but I used it again as it represented the very cycle upon which I muse. The cycle of the Christmas tree.

A few days ago I wrote about the ceremony of taking down the tree on my father's birthday. It was a time of mourning for me. I have difficulty taking down the tree; it is the removal of much which is magical and innocent. Larry has been getting me ready for it by pulling the boxes out and letting them sit for a day or so on the sofa, so I can get used to the idea.

Tonight Ella is singing in the background. I have just had the last two people over for a small intimate party to end the holiday season. A few gifts exchanged, and a few bottles of wine imbibed with some snacks to fill in the voids of conversation.

I sit here on the computer, watching Larry dismatle the tree. I enjoy the magic of decorating it; I cannot partake in its destruction. I muse about this evening's difficult therapy session; the gift of friendship, and the finality of the holiday season; a time of memories, sadness and new traditions.

I sit here long enough for Ella to change to Gregorian chant overlayed with a quiet sad saxaphone. It is one of my favorite pieces of music......

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, and smell the last of the pine forest in my living room for another year, and thank the universe for friends, and the few remainders of family that I would have as a friend.

In closure, Patti


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