Into the Labyrinth

Today was a day I shoud have stayed home. I dropped Alanna off at Meg's around 10 am. The saving grace to the morning was the trip to her house which rides along the Hudson River. It is one of the most beautiful roads as it rides parallel to the river, and a times it is almost at level with it. The sun was bright, small chunks of ice bobbed like diamonds along the shore. The river was icey blue, with the rose brown mountains reflected in it. I need to carry a camera with me on my next trip, and I found several spots where I can park the car and paint.

Megan lives on an old estate overlooking the Hudson. Though the buildings are run down, the view is spectacular. There is a spot where you are descending the steep unpaved driveway that you get the illusion that you can drive straight into the river.

I was alone tonight. Part of me wanted to go home and bury myself under the covers, but I also knew that getting out to meet a friend could be just as consoling.

I met Lois in Rhinebeck and we went for Margaritas at Sobroso's and headed over to Upstate to see Pan's Labyrinth. I thought that it was a film that I could lose myself in the fantasy; it proved to be quite heavy and at the end I felt numb and unable to breathe easily or move. It was well done, but it was way too heavy and violent for me to have seen in my current state of mind. One of the last lines in the film was "though pain we understand life". I sat and thought that I should have my black belt in understanding life after all that I have been through, and all that lies waiting ahead of me.

Tonight's pic is just one of many that I take in my yard for studies in light and color.



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